Pink Eye
- Cartman
- Stan
- Kyle
- Kenny
- Chef
- Doctor
- Wendy Testaburger
- the Cosmonauts
- Mortician and assistant
This show was awesome! Everything about it was funny!
Kenny's Death: This show was perfect for Kenny's Death. Actually, you could say that Kenny dies three times in this episode. The death that started it all was when the Mir space station falls on him. At the morgue, the mortician accidentally spills some worcestershire sauce in the enbalming fluid enteringKenny's body; by doing so, Kenny is transformed into a zombie. Near the end of the show, the kids call up the company that made the sauce and are informed that in order for the zombies to return to normal, all they have to do is kill the original one, which is Kenny. Kyle manages to do this by cutting Kenny in half using a chainsaw. At the very end of the show, Kenny comes out of his grave and the statue that is standing next to him falls right on top of him. Not only does that happen, but he is also smashed by a falling airplane.
Cartman Quote: "I'm talking to you Kenny! Achtung!!"

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